Aeyron Archer(pronounced Ay-ron) is the King of Cephri, all its kingdoms and all it's lands. He is the first king to be born in the Dawnlands and he followed King Orson Casterely as the king. He became the king in 895 AC after participating in the Youth Rebellion where he was voted king. Aeyron is 23 at the start of A Crown for a King having ruled from the age of 18.
He is currently unmarried but has his eye on Lady Joanna Forrester, eldest daughter of Lord Forrester, Warden of the North.
Ameer Akhtar has told us this about Aeyron "I think he is a competent leader however he can sometimes turn a blind eye to things so he isn't good at knowing when someone could be doing espionage, he sometimes is brash and headstrong and let his emotions control him however he is calm almost all the time"
An interpretation of how Aeyron looks

The King of The Youth
In 876AC
King of the Seven Kingdoms
King Orson Casterly
A Crown for A King (POV)
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Aeyron is described as having "beautiful brown-bronze skin" and numerously his "bronze" skin is talked about. The bronze skin is a common feature in the Dawnlands due to the tan the sun gives and the genetics. He has long brown hair that reaches below his nose which is parted down the middle with both sides of his hair together into two points that touch his cheekbones.
Ignis Swyft believes Aeyron to be just lower than 6 feet but that is when he is fighting without armour, he also says Aeyron has a narrow frame that is skinny but Aeyron was nimble and quick. What Ignis is most attracted to is Aeyron's eyes however calling them a shade of light soft brown, two orbs full of mystery that hypnotised you when you looked at them; begging you to look deeper and deeper until you were lost in the tides of brown ink in his eyes. Ignis is Aeyron's friend so it seems even to people who aren't sexually attracted to him his eyes still speak to them.
His nose is small and his jawline is described as "more sharper than his blade" and his face is clean shaven.
I can understand how Jadyn interpreted Aeyron, the hair, nose, eyebrows and eyes are practically spot on. In my own eyes Aeyron has more sunken cheeks and a longer face and looks older, his skin I would say is darker but not a whole more. In overall Jadyn has done a great job in bringing Aeyron from words to a picture, this picture would be a perfect guide for Aeyron when he ascended to the throne in the Youth Rebellion due to the youth shown in the image and the bow and arrow, the main weapon of House Archer- considering in the Youth Rebellion he was just a rebel from House Archer, the non "regal" weapon of a bow and arrow perfectly shows that.
Aeyron spars with Ser Edmund Moore when Ignis Swyft comes upon them interrupting their game, later that day Aeyron and Ulthor get in a small spat about the woman they love, Joanna, highly irritating Ulthor. In the throne room Aeyron and Ulthor's talk eventually breaks down into an argument between them over Joanna, Ulthor ends the talk threatening to crown Joanna if he would not.
Aeyron takes refuge in Joanna walking and taking with her in the peaceful Royal Gardens. The two of them engage in flirting as Aeyron remarks her beauty, Joanna becomes suddenly anxious were she reveals that she has decided to leave King's Landing to back to her home in order to prevent anything occurring between Aeyron and Ulthor, Aeyron wants to accompany her to WinterFort but she denies it saying she wants to calm everything down. Bringing Aeyron would incite Ulthor, she plans to leave in a months time.
Aeyron with Ser Lewyn finds out about Samuel's attack on Nestor and Ulthor, venturing there, he agrees with Ulthor that he couldn't let it go without reprimand, on the fly he decides he will make a decision in 3 days time all the while the trio would be placed in arrest with Nestor and Ulthor away from Samuel. After the three days he is shocked to learn that Ulthor and Nestor have disappeared from their room, in an emergency small council meeting called by Grand Maester Varlyn they learn that Ulthor and Nestor(and their lands) have declared war with him.
Aeyron sends Edmund and Jon to Sun's Champion and GoldGift with Jon commanding an army. A few days into the war Aeyron learns that Joanna has gone missing and at first he thinks she might have left for the North early though her handmaidens don't know where she is. After a meeting with the Councillor of the King, Selyse, Taena Skies approaches Aeyron with a nightsister who reads his prophecy.
At a council meeting Aeyron airs his intention to command the loyalist army joining with the Northern and Watermen host, on the day Aeyron and the host leave a riot occurs for food resulting in the king and the army leaving King's Landing in complete silence and anger. After the invasion of the Waterlands by the Bronzemen Aeyron sends Lord Harold Strong with 30,000 men to deal with it.
Due to an illness from the showers of rain Aeyron has a dream where he sees King's Landing changed for the better, with the slums being gone. He realises that his own private chambers have been changed beyond his recognition, in his wardrobe were clothes of women along with men and on his night table was a woman's crown. He see's the figure of Joanna greet him asking "where Trystane [was]". In disbelief and shock he replies "with my brother?, Joanna reveals it is their son she is talking about. he hugs the dream-figure of Joanna but feels her evaporate and disappear. He appears in another dream with the only recognisable thing to be Sun's Champion, he see's a green woman and a man with bronze skin-where a voice tells him it is his ancestor Marcon Archer.
When he wakes Ser Lewyn and Ser Hyle give him a letter sent from Alice Strong, the daughter of Lord Harold Strong, who was besieged at her home by the Bronzemen. During the Battle of King's Landing Aeyron, the Northerners and the Watermen come from the Lionsgate, breaking it down the cavalry charge with Aeyron, Lewyn and Hyle leading the charge. The loyalists defeat Nestor's rebels killing and capturing around 40 thousand while the rest escape.
Aeyron hosts a celebratory feast for the victory the day after. Before the feast he menacingly sends away an angry Thoron Hull who attempted to get vengeance for Lewyn who stopped him killing Thoron's brother only to kill The Mountain himself. During the feast a pyromancer known as Lord Ahriman tells Aeyron the story of a dark pyromancer by the name of Darth Plagueis, the story chills his two sisters while Aeyron remains unbothered interested in the myth. Also in the feast is the reunion of Jon Darklyn brought by Soniya Cross who saved him after he was presumed dead.
The Ghost of Blackfyre reveals a prophecy to Aeyron that she saw many years ago, a prophecy more ambiguous than the last one Aeyron had heard. In the final small council meeting Aeyron revealed his plan to end the war in a final battle knowing that thousands would lose their lives in an enormous battle. After learning from Taena that she knew where Joanna was but withheld the information he furiously extracts the information from her then he kicked out from the meeting, a couple hours the loyalist army left King's Landing to Goldgift.
At the Battle of the Reach Aeyron leads the left flank to the bridge by the riverside. In the battle he kills Lord Arnon Violeta, Ser Arnold Violeta and Lord Mace Levanter. In the climax of the battle he seeks out Ulthor and finds him savagely bludgeoning Ulthor's face with his bare hands killing him.
Together with Lord Cregan Forrester and Ser Steffon Bracken the three of them go alone to WinterFort to rescue Joanna. At Widow's Wail they find that Lord Tywon Casterly has besieged the castle, after a heated confrontation with Ser Jaime Casterly Aeyron tells Tywon and his army to reroute to Knife's Edge and take that castle.
When they leave the trio find Joanna in the Queentower, where she is dying. Joanna reveals to Aeyron that her and Ulthor were in love and secretly got married without any of Ulthor's men knowing. She shows her two twin children that were recently born and asks her father and Aeyron to promise that they keep the children safe, when he agrees to it Aeyron leaves Joanna to spend her final moments with her father.
On their return to King's Landing the celebrations are cut short as the city holds a funeral for Joanna, the Northerners leave with Joanna's body to go back North. After the funeral Aeyron admits on the throne that the war was not worth it breaking down and crying.
Aeyron sits on the 3 Blade Throne wondering about Joanna again. He's interrupted by Lord Kaleb Willow, who tells him that he needs to marry again, and can't sit around waiting for something to happen. Aeyron actually agrees with Snakecharmer and Willow tells Aeyron to hold a tourney in King's Landing, invite every lord and their daughters and choose the best now to marry. Aeyron later falls asleep on the throne and is waken up by Ser Hyle, who asks him if he'll go to the Small Council meeting, Aeyron is confused until Hyle elaborates and tells him Ignis called for a standard meeting and that Aeyron hasn't been to one in months, Aeyron refuses to go and Hyle leaves him. While Aeyron walks the halls of the Red Keep, Ser Steffon interrupts him and hands over Aey's son Cyrus, he is furious that Aeyron is late in seeing his son and repeats that Aeyron made a promise to Joanna.
At the tourney Aeyron sits alone up top on his chair, and swiftly wraps things up. Ignis and his family come over to Aeyron when he leaves for the Red Keep, and they talk for a short while until Aeyron is informed about Lord Strong approaching with his family. Aeyron excuses himself and meets with Lord George Strong, Aeyron meets Aaden Strong and Alice Strong - Aaden was expecting to see his bride-to-be Larra Archer, so was slightly disappointed. Alice Strong apologises to Aeyron for sending him a letter during her siege, Aeyron is surprised she apologised remarking that Joanna would not do a thing. He compares Alice to Joanna, and when they finish talking - Aeyron goes to Ignis but sees his family have gone.
Aeyron watches over his son, seeing Ser Lewyn guard him, and Alice Strong comes and the two talk between themselves, Lord Ahriman and The Ghost of Blackfyre come and Aeyron sends Alice away. Ahriman asks Aeyron for more organs and pieces for his project but Aeyron is unhappy because he's given them permission to do whatever they need. Taena comes and also informs Aeyron that Samuel has boarded a ship, with a maester, which is on the way to Rhaenerys Blackfyre - she says he's a spy and Aeyron goes to investigate. He asks Snakecharmer who doesn't suggest he was Rhae's spy, but he acknowledges that Ulthor Young thought Samuel would join him during his war. After a long day, Aeyron rests but is interrupted by Ignis - the two argue but Lord Tywon comes to speak with Aeyron, who pushes their meeting to tomorrow morning. Loreon Casterly comes and argues with his father for not arranging his own marriage, Aeyron asks them to continue their argument outside of his chambers.
In the middle of the night, Aeyron struggles to sleep. He's plagued by feelings of self-doubt and hatred, he has a breakdown thinking about everyone that he's failed and he screams. Alice Strong peers through the door some time later, worried as she heard a noise. The two talk about their fears and struggles, and Aeyron asks Alice to stay some more in King's Landing.
Aeyron and Alice meet up in the Royal Gardens and talk amongst themselves, Alice promises that she'll take care of Aeyron as Aeyron looks back on his failures. She asks him to let her in, and he doesn't know what to do. After a sudden silence Aeyron asks Alice to marry him.
''who cares about me? My family that’s it. You all just put up with me'
-Aeyron to Alice
'You haven't seen my scars Alice'
-Aeyron's thoughts for Alice Strong when she claims he's perfect

'The battle is over! We have won!'
-Aeyron to his men
'Even if they try killing me in the battle I will crawl my dead body over to you'
-Aeyron's thoughts on Joanna
'His eyes saw. His mind felt. And his steel answered.'
-Aeyron thought's when he saw Ulthor again