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Gerold Forrester is the 3rd born child of Lord Forrester and Lady Sara.


Due to his young age Gerold is not yet promised to anyone. At the start of ACFaK he is 16 years old.


Ameer Akhtar says this about Gerold Forrester- "The story I want to tell with Gerry is a bildungsroman, he will have to overcome things and learn different views in hopes to be what he wishes to be. I guess his is a tale of learning new ideals and fitting them into his life and incorporating it to the people around him"​

An interpretation of how Gerold looks




The Lone Wolf

Gerold Gardner


Acting Lord of WinterFort

Acting Warden of the North


In 882AC or 883AC


House Forrester​


Firstmen(The North)


Joanna Forrester

Domeric Forrester

Yeon Forrester

Woon Forrester



Sara Forrester


A Crown for A King (POV)

A Mate for Darkness:Sun and Snow (POV)


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Gerold Forrester has the Forrester look of having a long face which is hard and stern however he also has a soft rounded face which he has picked up from his mother.


His hair is black and is parted and he has no facial hair,  he does have a striking face and is told by Samalah "we don't find boys like you up north".


Gerry is a different one, it's like I know what he looks like but I can't identify his looks, like with his hair I don't know if it's long or short but when going through the fanart and picking this it helped me visualise Gerry. Take into fact he is only 16 the fanart shows his age very well his face is hard but it's also round just like his own description. This may not be spot on but still it is a very good one.






Gerold has a dream of a crow who urges him to fly, in that dream he has visions of King's Landing, Eilleas, The North and the far far north. At a meeting with the remaining northern lords, who hadn't gone south, a survivor of The Great Range in dazed madness tells them he saw an Other.


Following that meeting Gerold sends a letter down to the King informing him of what happened, however it falls on deaf ears. When he does get a letter back it's from Darion Bolton who informed he would be coming back North to defend it from Bronzemen. Yet again Gerold has a dream where he sees hundreds of red men running into his homecastle. Feeling a call from an ancient book he discovers of a prophecy claiming of the return of the first hero. He learns that his men had captured a wildling scout, in the castle the two of them talk with both being warm to one another. Gerold let her go back to the wildling lands telling her to give the wildling king a warning. 


Gerold is awoken in the night to the sounds of battle going on around him, believing it is the wildlings and/or Bronzemen that are attacking them WinterFort defends. It is only until the gate opens revealing men on horseback with the sigil of the red man of House Bolton. Through a secret tunnel Gerold, his family and others escape as they watch the castle burn. 





Gerold leads The Northerners further into the wildling lands, without any direction the Northerners worry about the war and what they're even doing here. Gerold's men are captured by wildlings, and Gerold spots Samalah in their group but she ignores him. Gerold discovers that they are searching for something, so The Northerners have Gerold find out what it is. Byorwynd takes Gerold by his side and he introduces Gerold to some other wildlings at a feast. They introduce themselves and question Gerold on why he's in their lands - he explains his situation and asks why there are so many wildlings that are coming down south. They explain their situation about The Others. After Gerold eats he goes to find Samalah and interrogates her on why she was ignoring him. Samalah ridicules him but the two enjoy their conversation about their history, at the end of it the two engage in a snowball fight and Samalah leaves to sleep.


Byorwynd and Samalah ask Gerold the real reason why he came to their home, and he explains to Samalah that he needs the wildling army to go and take back his home. Gerold also argues with his mother, who has seen him talk to Samalah and has seen the way he looks at her. When Gerold sleeps, he dreams again for the first time in months. He sees the green women again and sees a dragon in a cave; the following day he leads some of the wildlings to a cave system and a Mythood tree. 

Gerold  Allerax Blackfyre's tomb with her sword Wintersbane; however he and Samalah reject the tomb for a while and swim in a pool in the cave, professing their love. The wildlings make it to Drymund's Lair and seek some shelter in his shacks and stables, the Northerners formulate plans to escape his lair, despite Gerold not being on board with escaping they do - although Samalah spots them and shoots at them, indeed hitting Gerold. After their escape The Northerners find out Edwin Corbray knows about the war down south and he finally confesses to Gerold that his brother and sister died in the war. At the Fist of the First Men, The Northerners are ambushed by the wildlings who have caught up to them and are captured again. A wild direwolf emerges from the mist and defends Gerold from Ravven but is subdued when the attacks are stopped. Ravven orders an insurrection against Byorwynd and has wildlings by his side, they attack Byorwynd's loyal group and Ravven attacks Gerold. However they all flee in terror when The Others attack with their undead army. In the escape, Ravven kills Sara Forrester and Stanford Cassel and Gerold revenge kills him. 


The group make it to WhiteHaven. Gerold tells The Northerners he has given up, but they clap back at him. Gerold meets Karlon Greykon and is surprised to learn that his father was a Northern lord. When Karlon learns that The Others attacked he quickly evacuates the city but The Others attack. Gerold has decided to go in search of the green women so he goes to recruit Byorwynd and a few others but then The Others attack. Gerold fights in WhiteHaven and flees to safety, but not before killing an Other with Wintersbane. He sends Samalah down south to ensure that she rescues his brother and sister, and Gerold leave WhiteHaven in search of the green women - with Silas, Edwin and Cloud by his side.



'Ever since the war I’ve been having……queer dreams'

-Gerold to Maester Corey 

'Let’s make it fancy by putting Forrester at the end of it'

-Gerold to Samalah, about her not having a last name

'Huh? Had the tree’s face always looked like me?'

-Gerold's thoughts, when looking at WinterFort's mythood tree

'I’m here by your side through dirt and dust. I…'

-Gerold to Samalah 

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