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The Freefolk lands are lands beyond the Winter Waste that are not part of any kingdoms.


The freefolk rule over themselves in their own separate clans but recently there has risen a King-beyond-the-range known as Karlon Greykon


The freefolk are uncivilised, tribal like people who do not have the technology that the southern kingdoms have. The lands are also very infertile and colder than the North making it difficult to live and survive off the lands so the freefolk do raids on the North stealing their weapons and any food. 


The North and other southron kingdoms call the freefolk by a derogatory term-"wildlings" but the freefolk name themselves the freefolk due to the fact they are not under anybody's rule and can do whatever they want and when they want to


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The lands beyond the range are primarily wild, untamed and uncharted. The climate is harsh and bitter, especially in the far north in the Lands of Always Winter. The region immediately north-west of the range includes the Haunted forest, a vast taiga-forest which covers most of the area. No true roads exist but there are paths through the Haunted Forests and mountain ranges such as the Bridge of Skulls.

The people inhabiting the land refer to themselves as the "freefolk", but are known by the people of the Seven Kingdoms as "wildlings". The lands beyond the Range are bitterly cold year round, but many free folk reside from the furthest reaches of the haunted forest to the hidden valleys of the Stonecold, including the valley of Thenn. The Thenns are surrounded by cave dwellers, Hornfoots, giants, and the ice-river clans. Other tribes include Nightrunners, Teal Run and the Haunted clan, Some free folk are little more than savage and primitive raiders, but other groups live in small, settled communities and villages. Due to the impracticality of agriculture in the far north, many of them are hunters




Since there are a lack of freefolk perhaps none at all in the southern kingdoms it rises to very peculiar tales about them.


The northerners believe the wildlings commit parental incest and sibling incest, that their women in the Dawn Age lay with Others to create twisted half-human hybrids. Ofcourse these informations are propaganda by the North. But there are tales that seem to be true.


Up in the Lands of Always Winter it is rumoured to be where the Others come from however since the area is unmapped and impossible to travel through nobody knows...



It is hard to amount how many people would be in a combined host as the lands are massive. Though they don't have good weaponry or cavalry. If someone would predict it a total would be perhaps 70,000 fighters as the women fight aswell but many would fight with sharpened rocks, they do not work well as a team so although 70,000 seems like a lot it would not be well for the Freefolk.





In previous years there have been Kings beyond the range who tried to invade the Seven Kingsdoms, but all have failed. The Bridge of Skulls is a place in which only the freefolk know, it allows them to get into the North and past the range. There have also been efforts to dig under neath the range or travel through caves but they have been lost in the caves.




Samalah, a wildling, is captured by men at WinterFort and interrogated by Gerold Forrester. He believes she came to investigate their military strength she claims that the willings are fleeting south. Gerold is forced to escape to the Freefolk lands when WinterFort is attacked.



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Gerold's Northerners are captured by wildling groups led by Byorwynd and Ravven, which Samalah is a part of. Samalah ignores him for a while and he confronts her about it, the two actually joke and laugh. Byorwynd is friendly to Gerold and eventually, he and some other wildlings tell him that they are coming down south actually to hide from The Others. He dreams for the first time in a long time and sees a cave with a dragon in it, the following morning Gerold leads the wildlings to a series of caves and discovers Allerax Blackfyre's tomb with her sword Wintersbane. Samalah and Gerold swim in a pool in the cave and kiss. The wildlings make it to Drymund's Lair and seek some shelter in his shacks and stables, the Northerners formulate plans to escape his lair and they do - although Samalah spots them and shoots Gerold. Edwin Corbray finally confesses to Gerold that his brother and sister died in the war down south. At the Fist of the First Men, The Northerners are ambushed by the wildlings who have caught up to them and are captured again, the two fight again - instigated by Ravven but flee in terror when The Other's attack them. Ravven kills Sara Forrester and Stanford Cassel and Gerold revenge kills him. 


The group make it to WhiteHaven and meet Karlon Greykon, when he learns that The Other's attacked he quickly evacuates the city but The Others attack. Gerold flees to safety, not before killing an Other, and he sends Samalah down south to ensure that she rescues his brother and sister.

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