Summers can last a lifetime and winters can last generations, some born without ever seeing the sun. A cyclone of trouble brews as the cold winds blow south and the hot winds west, unknown to all but a few a mysterious, supernatural force amass their strength beyond the safety of all the kingdoms.
At the centre of the conflict two former friends, King Aeyron Archer and Lord Ulthor Young, fight over their love Joanna Forrester; their jealousy threatens to self-destroy the kingdoms as opposing factions use this spark to light up a nation wide civil war.
1.Ignis I
2.Aeyron I
3.Jon I
14.Aeyron IV
15.Gerold II
16.Style I
17.Jon III
18.Ignis III
28.Samuel II
29.Aeyron VI
32.Ignis IV
5.Edmund I
19.Jax II
33.Edmund V
6.Samuel I
20.Edmund III
34.Style IV
8.Jax I
9.Ignis II
10.Jon II
11.Gerold I
12.Edmund II
13.Gregor I
21.Style II
22.Ignis IV
35.Gerold IV
36.Samuel III
23.Larra I
37.Harold II
24.Harold I
38.Jon V
25.Jon IV
39.Aeyron VII
26.Aeyron V
40.Gerold V
27.Edmund IV
41.Ignis V
42.Gregor II
43.Jon VI
44.Samuel IV
45.Ignis VI
46.Jax IV
47.Gregor III
48.Ignis VII
49.Steffon I
50.Jax V
51.Edmund VI
52.Gregor IV
53.Steffon II
54.Aeyron VIII
55.Ignis VIII
56.Larra II
57.Samuel V
58.Style V
59.Jon VII
60.Edmund VII
70.Samuel VIII
71.Edmund IX
72.Ignis XI
73.Samuel IX
74.Aeyron XI
61.Samuel VI
62.Ignis IX
63.Jon VIII
64.Aeyron IX
65.Edmund VIII
66.Ignis X
75.Jon X
76.Edmund X
77.Steffon III
78.Aeyron XII
79.Samuel X
80.Aeyron XIII
67.Samuel VII
68.Aeyron X
69.Jon IX