Ulthor Young is the lord of Knife's Edge and the Proudlands. He has no living relatives after the Crazed King Orson Casterly murdered his brother and father, and his mother died in childbirth giving birth to him.
He is currently unmarried or unmatched because he is chasing after Lord Forrester's daughter Joanna.
Ameer Akhtar says this about Ulthor-"Ulthor is a dislikable character he's insecure and he's paranoid but when you see what has happened to him in his life you seen the pain he's gone through. That doesn't mean I like him though. He's a brat."
An interpretation of how Ulthor looks
House Young
In 873AC \\\ *SPOILER* /// died in 899AC
Devlin Young(deceased)
Andor Young(deceased)
A Crown for A King (POV)
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Ulthor is not a attractive man, he is described as being "uninspiring" and "normal". He has black hair but it is hardly noticeable because he has a buzzcut but the top is bigger than the sides. He is nor fat or skinny just being big, which can be seen in his face where any hint of jawline is non existent. His nose is also looped making a u shape.
Ulthor is small, being towered over by his friend Lord Arlon Blackton who is above 6 foot.
I think Jadyn's work is pretty much there, quite surprisingly she's drawn him at his right age(normally she draws them younger than I intend). She's got the face shape right, it's quite impressive. One thing I hadn't thought of was the moustache she added in however I think that suits his character. However at the same time it is an interpretation and after writing the entire book I believe Ulthor has changed quite a bit from the art Jadyn supplied but it's a good start considering she had not seen much of Ulthor.
Ulthor attempts to humour Joanna by demeaning Aeyron who doesn't take to it well, when the two try to patch it up once again they butt heads over Joanna with Ulthor remarking that 'Joanna was fit to be a queen, if [Aeyron] won't crown her, he will'. Ulthor then goes around attempting to create an allegiance between significant men, those including-Edmund Moore and Jon Darklyn who both refuse him.
During the next days many lords come in and out of Ulthor's chambers discussing something to the point where Samuel goes down to find out what was happening, he attacks Ulthor and Nestor in the room until the three of them are restrained and locked up in their chambers alone for the next three days to avoid conflict.
However Ulthor and Nestor disappear when the third day comes and a search party couldn't find them. The king receives a letter from Ulthor declaring himself king and declaring war.
Ulthor immediately begins to invade the Dawnlands and begins to take most of it until Trystane Archer vows for a peaceful surrender. When Trystane arrives at Ulthor's camp (with his wife, son, Edmund Moore and other lords) Ulthor betrays him and kills him and his wife. When Ulthor learns word that the northerners were approaching Knife's Edge he took his force to Widow's Wail to make his way back to his home.
After the Battle of King's Landing Ulthor abandons returning to Knife's Edge instead moving to Hunter's Hill, the combined strength of Nestor and Ulthor fight the King's host in the Battle of the Bloodwater. In the battle, Aeyron and Ulthor fight with the king beating Ulthor to death-with his last words he utters 'the tower'.
At Widow's Wail Aeyron finds out from Joanna that her and Ulthor had secretly married and in fact the two had twin children together. This secret remains as Aeyron proclaims their son to be his bastard child(to hide his identity) and Lord Forrester takes the daughter up north.
'Joanna’s worthy to be a queen, if you won’t crown her I will'
-Ulthor to Aeyron
'I may not look much but I would’ve thought at least Edmund would’ve warned you'
-Ulthor to Trystane
'I lost my mother! I lost my brother! I lost my father!'
-Ulthor to Aeyron
'The tower......the tower'
-Ulthor to Aeyron