Ignis Swyft is the Hand of the King to Aeyron but also his long time friend, he is the younger brother of Lord Arthur Swyft something which parallels in history when King Regis Archer had Lord Orthur Swyft as his right hand man and close friend.
Ignis is currently unmarried nor unmatched, Lord Arthur is looking to make a match however. At the start of ACFaK he is 24 years old.
Ameer Akhtar says this about Ignis- "Ignis is calculated but he can be argumentative like his counterpart, Ignis also gives a different view to a problem. Ignis is trust worthy, he thinks on himself and what is best for him and his king."​
An interpretation of how Ignis looks

Hand of the King
In 875AC
House Swyft
Lord Arthur Swyft
Ashara Swyft
Edric Swyft
Vorian Swyft
Tyene Swyft
A Crown for A King (POV)
A Mate for Darkness:Sun and Snow (POV)
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Ignis has a small tan as he is from the Dawnlands but his skin is not as tan as some people think. Unlike his friends Ignis is not attractive even admitting to it in his first chapter. Although he does have the gene of violet eyes that the Swyft family have, he does not have the family trait of having platinum blonde hair.
Ignis has black hair which is cut short at his forehead and has very short facial hair barely noticeable. His face is more round than it is defined.
This art looks a lot like Frank Zhang and surprisingly I kind of dig that take. In my eyes Ignis isn't chubby but rather average which adds to feeling of him being "normal". However the art showcases Ignis not being attractive nor unattractive really well, the hair, eyebrows, eyes and nose are pitch perfect.
After the war breaks out Ignis finds out that Joanna has disappeared from the city, he learns of a plot to incite a riot, with his bodyguards they eliminate the threat. The king and his army march to the ships, Ignis rides with Jade Arryn, eventually a riot ensues, they safely enter the ships however the king leaves brooding.
The king sends Ignis a letter warning him that Nestor is marching to King's Landing and will most likely get there before the king's men. He visits the Guildhall of Alchemists and views the deadly substance Red Fìros, deciding it would be useful in the upcoming battle he elicits the pyromancers to produce the substance. After a satisfying day of improving the defences he gets dreadful news from a letter from Edmund Moore who detailed the Bronzemen were sailing towards King's Landing.
On the day of the battle he goes to the Grand Sept and prays for the safety of the men, women and the children. Ignis is stationed by the Mudgate and watches as the bronze fleet explodes. After retreating his men back to Smith's Lot he countered Jax Storm and the two of them duel. Jax wounds Ignis tearing his ear off but is distracted when the horns of Edmund and the Dawnish ships blow, Ignis takes that moment to kill Jax while slumping to the ground.
He wakes up after the battle in a bed unaware of what occurred, Jade visits him, Ignis allows her to unwrap the bandage on his ear and head revealing the grotesque wound that was his ear. Later Edmund comes and informs him that the king's men emerged late in the battle routing out the rebels. Though he was confined to bed Aeyron forces him to go to the feast.
During the Battle of the Bloodwater Ignis fights on the bridge however he is thrown off, he continues to fight in the river. Ignis watches on as Domeric Forrester dies protecting his father Lord Cregan Forrester. After the battle Ignis leads the army back to King's Landing as Aeyron, Steffon and Cregan Forrester go to find Joanna. Back at King's Landing Ignis reveals to Jon, Edmund, Samuel and Jon that he has plans to get married.
Ignis watches knights and lords enter King's Landing for the tourney, he comes back to his wife Jade Arryn, who wants to go to The Bronze Isles for a trip, Ignis refuses as he is not over the fact they invaded and tried to kill him. Jade's not happy with him and they argue but are stopped by the sudden appearance of Ignis's family. The family sat and watch the jousts and Ignis sees Ashara looking towards Aeyron, he tells her that Aeyron doesn't see people much nowadays. Ashara believes that Aeyron just needs love. When Loreon Casterly makes his appearance, Ignis explains to his younger brothers that that's Tywon Casterly's youngest son. After the melee tourney Ignis and his family meet with Aeyron however they are cut short when Lord George Strong arrives with his family.
Ignis tries to speak to Aeyron after a Small Council meeting, he tries to speak about Ashara but Aeyron doesn't let him, he speaks to Tywon instead. Ignis is stopped by Jamie Casterly who mocks Ignis, Ignis and Loreon talk, Ignis brings up his conversation with Jamie and then the two talk about Lord Tywon. Ignis wants Loreon to help him keep watch of Tywon so he doesn't make any moves against Ignis. Ignis rests a while with Jade, and she asks what's wrong. He thinks about the war and the consequences, he doesn't want Tywon to get closer to Aeyron and replace him.
Ignis meets with Aeyron once time before Aeyron wants to sleep, Aeyron tells him to see him tomorrow morning but Ignis isn't having it. Aeyron apologises but asks Ignis to bring Alice to him, which really annoys him, although they fight Aeyron eventually tells Ignis on how he's feeling - before Lord Tywon comes in. After Aeyron shames Ashara, Ignis is present when his family comfort her. His brother Arthur affirms that Ignis shouldn't let Aeyron get away with what he did, and he agrees. When Loreon comes in, he tells Ignis that he has found out Lord Tywon's marriage plans and that the Grand Maester knows it. The two of them go up to Varlyn's bureau and go and interrogate him finding out Tywon wanted a double marriage of Aeyron to Rhaenerys Blackfyre and Jamie Casterly to Saerenna Blackfyre.
Ignis pleads with his family not to leave King's Landing and to stay a while but they leave. Jade wakes Ignis in the middle of the night when she's having trouble sleeping, due to the roaring within the castle. She tells him to go and investigate it and he says he'll do it tomorrow morning. The following morning Ignis and Snakecharmer go in search of the source, Willow has his own suspicions about it so directs Ignis down in the Red Keep. That's where Lord Ahriman and The Ghost of Blackfyre appear, The Ghost informs them of her upcoming death while Ahriman boasts about his project. I mustn't forget that Jade appeared earlier to help Ignis.
At a Small Council meeting, Ignis informs them that the loan from Ivica has increased its interest rates. The matter swiftly changes to Aeyron's marriage and Aeyron undermines Ignis, but he doesn't fall for it - instead telling Aeyron to look after himself because Ignis won't be. Aeyron takes it as a threat. Once again Ignis sees Aeyron when he's tired and tensions blare again, Tywon walks in and tells Aeyron he'll be waiting at his work chambers and Aey senses there's something wrong with Ignis. Ignis is furious that once again he shows clear favouritism to Lord Tywon, he suggests Aeyron is his puppet while Aey suggests Ignis is jealous of Tywon.
Grand Maester Varlyn comes charging to Ignis, telling him, frantically, that Ahriman is spreading lies about everyone to Aeyron. Ignis doesn't care, Aeyron doesn't matter to him. Jade scolds him, it would be dangerous to keep Ahriman in Aeyron's ear. Snakecharmer however exposes the Grand Master's treachery and before he can say anything else, Taena Skies testifies against Varlyn, and he is locked in a cell. At a Small Council meeting Ignis argues that Jon Darklyn may not be dead, Ignis questions that Ahriman and Aeyron needed Jon dead, the way that they have a replacement ready.
Loreon Casterly comes to ask Ignis to help his brother Jamie who has been captured, Ignis sternly refuses - he does not like Jamie at all. When Ignis tells Jade about his plan to have bounty hunting become a sport, she scolds him and says it's not a good idea. She thinks a good idea is to stay away from King's Landing, she thinks Starfall is a good place to go but Ignis is tricked into suggesting The Bronze Isles, the two make plans to eventually take a break from King's Landing. She also tells him Lord Ahriman is looking for him, so Ignis goes to see Ahriman. Ahriman tells him The Ghost is dead, Ignis also sees the newest recruit of the kingsguard with Ahriman. Lord Willow comes to see Ignis, to tell him of the Grand Maester's yapping. They go to see him and Varlyn tells Ignis it's not too late, he needs to work with him. He also accuses Snakecharmer of being disingenuous. Aeyron meets with Ignis and he apologises for his behaviour, Ignis scolds him and the conversation goes onto Grand Maester Varlyn. Snakecharmer comes darting in, telling them that the Grand Maester is dead in his cell.

'Ahh what do you want! Le’me, Le’me sleep'
-Ignis to Jade
'This city is depending on me! This war effort is depending on me!'
-Ignis to Jade
'Today we fight for your city! Today we fight for King’s Landing! Now come with me and defend this city!'
-Ignis to his men
'They betrayed us in the war! They tried to kill me, they betrayed and tried to kill your father, I don’t know how you can’t see this'
-Ignis to Jade, about the Bronzemen