Ser Samuel Royce is the second born son of Lord Ben Royce and Lady Jane Wick. He is currently at court in King's Landing, being a long time friend of Aeyron Archer who brought him back from exile about 6 months or so ago.
Samuel is currently unmarried nor unmatched, however due to his relationship with the king he is in high interest with other women but Samuel was "in love" with the king's councillor Selyse. At the start of ACFaK he is 23 years old.
Ameer Akhtar says this about Samuel- "Samuel is the one where all the chapters were my favourites to write, he has a lot of mystery to him and lots of secrets that only he knows. So you should keep a close eye with Samuel because he is going to become a major player in the endgame"​
An interpretation of how Samuel looks

The Exiled Knight
In 876AC
House Royce
The Dragon Company(formerly)
Lord Ben Royce(father)
Lady Jane Wick(mother)
Ser Rory Royce
Lacey Royce
Daphne Royce
Jaylyn Royce
Gunnar Royce
A Crown for A King (POV)
A Mate for Darkness:Sun and Snow (POV)
Click them to cycle through the sub categories as there is quite a lot of scrolling
Samuel's family are a beautiful family shown through his sisters Daphne and Jaylyn who are described as beauties no mention is made of Samuel being beautiful but we can tell through the family Samuel is most likely handsome.
His face is strong and his cheekbones are prevalent. His face is sharp and it makes the shape of a rounded v. He is quite tall near enough 6 foot and he has a lean structure with hints of muscle.
I've liked what Jadyn's done with the face shape and the jawline which is pretty accurate however I think Samuel's tone would be lighter as he is from the Hunter's Gift and slightly more handsome. So that's why I say the other art with the horse is the better depiction.
After the small council meeting where Ulthor was found out to be meeting with several lords Samuel goes down to his chamber demanding what was happening, Nestor Nik appears at the same time and Samuel and Nestor duel until the KingsPeace rush in stopping them. As a result Aeyron puts all three of them guarded in their rooms for three days.
When Samuel finds out his love interest Selyse has gone from the city he asks Taena where she is, she'll only tell him if she finds someone for her thus Samuel plans to go to Bluewater lake, however along the way of exiting King's Landing a bard named Sugar follows him.
When they arrive at a nearby village Sugar 'exposes' that he is Ser Samuel and the townsfolk in the tavern get into song singing Samuel's song embarrassing him. Samuel asks for the location of Taena's 'mage' to which the townsfolk threaten him to pay them more money to get their intel. In the end they attempt to rob him but Samuel fends them off gaining the information and leaving the village.
After finding the mage's location he enters the cave and finds The Ghost of Blackfyre sitting on a throne of weeds, the two battle, the Ghost through proxies of ghouls, skeletons, a minotaur and Gog Magogs. Samuel defeats her and captures her. Samuel unknown that a battle has occurred enters King's Landing in fear that the rebels won, his belief is corrected when he makes it to the Red Keep. He hands over The Ghost of Blackfyre to Taena unhappy with the consequences he thinks will happen.
After the death of Master of Coin Clarence Wolfe Samuel suggest that Lord Kaleb Willow-'Snakecharmer' should be named Master of Coin. During the Battle of Bloodwater Samuel fights to the right of the bridge. Samuel decapitates Nestor in the battle.
Samuel now studies at the Institute of Sunworth, and he reads about the mysterious black stones around the world. He meets with Maester Colon, who gives him an obsidian looking-glass and he asks Samuel to discover the truth behind it and what it means. Samuel already lit the ones in the Institute which had been impossible to light for years. Colon gives him some books on the looking-glass and the two have a working relationship. Sugar reads a story about Allerax Blackfyre and the wildlings and tells Samuel.
Samuel reads a book about the Dryads of the Forest and the First Men and discusses it with Maester Colon, eventually the two discuss magic. Samuel tells Colon about his time at Centros and the Mythical Forest, and tells him that he met the Dryads of the Forest there - Colon doesn't believe him at first but when Sugar tells Colon about the things he's seen with Samuel, Colon is sure Samuel has knowledge of magic. Magic, Colon, believes has remained dormant for years and years and years. Maester Colon believes that magic has come back for a reason, and that Rhaenerys Blackfyre and her families' dragons are responsible for the increase in magic-related incidents. Without warning, Maester Colon starts packing his bags and tells Samuel that he's making his way to Rhaenerys Blackfyre to see their dragons. Colon also tells him that Aeryxs Blackfyre was present in the Institute of Sunworth a year ago. Samuel questions Arch Maester Orlon about it but he vehemently denies it, Samuel also wants access to the restricted section of books. He believes that the books about the First Men have lies in it. Orlon denies this request. Lord Damon Hightower meets with Samuel and asks Samuel to give him justice for his sister Syrell Hightower's murder, Samuel tells him he has other things to do than to chase down Hoare Lorch and Tywon Casterly.
Samuel has Sugar distract the Arch Maesters while he sneaks into Arch Maester Barlow's chambers to steal the key to the restricted section, Samuel breaks the lock and takes Barlow's key. He also discovers letters from other people and Ser Daniel Hightower. Samuel steals some books and the two escape from Sunworth, at a nearby inn the two are caught by bounty hunters but Samuel fights his way out of it.
The two, are now at the Dusk Mountains, are stopped by three bounty hunters. Sugar manages to convince them that capturing them would not be to their benefit, as they'd be made fun out off for capturing Samuel and Sugar for stealing books. The men have Samuel take them to Creton's Gift, and Samuel bargains for them to join Lord Creton's household. Creton accepts and Samuel and Sugar are saved from capture.
The duo are now at Casterland and they decide to separate, Sugar wants to stay in Casterland while Samuel is venturing to Eilleas. Samuel enters a tavern and drinks to the memories of Sugar, he and the bartender speak and Samuel notices all the lonely people sitting in the corners. He leaves, ready to board a ship to Norfold when Sugar comes racing over, telling him to buy him a ticket too. The two depart Cephri on the ship.

'He’s gone now but for some reason he hasn’t left my heart.'
-Samuel's thoughts on Sugar
'It’s alive, with beings. Beings that serve to protect themselves from outsiders, I met these beings'
-Samuel's on the Mythical Forest
'I’m not brave enough for marriage'
-Samuel to Ser Hyle
'I’m married to my sword'
-Samuel to Ignis