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"Many of the quote on quote "main characters" (since I don't think there is a main character) are originally based off people close to me, some of them have blossomed into their own people while some have stayed true to the person they have been based off"-Ameer Akhtar


Here is (hopefully) all the characters involved in the book not including the "main", important players of the game who have their own separate page.


Any fanart shown is an interpretation of how the characters look, it is not a definitive statement that they must look like that. They are there to help you imagine how they would look. Fanart that I think look the most like their characters would be Larra Archer, Soniya Cross, Jon Darklyn and perhaps Rhaenerys Blackfyre.


In my eyes there are Primary>Secondary>Tertiary characters not just one singular main character.




-Amand Arbray

-Borous the Blind

Borous the Blind is a northern tale about a wildling called Borous. 


Sabas in a northern nobleman who lays victim to an Other. 

-Harrion Fossoway

Harrion Fossoway is a northern nobleman who is part of The Great Ranging.

-Brielle Storm

Nestor's wife, daughter of Lord Javon Storm. Had an affair with Samuel Royce while engaged to Nestor.


Old friend of Nestor's and councillor to the king, former love interest of Samuel Royce.


-Ser Arston Lantell

Ser Jamie Casterly squired for him against the Kingswood Menace. 

-Ser Luthor Mane

A knight at court. A knight at court. Fights at the Rosegate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Ser Courtney Penrose

A knight at court. Fights at the Mudgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Ser Lance Sabian

A knight at court. A knight at court. Fights at the Lowgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Ser Jake Kassidy

A knight at court. Fights at the Lowgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Lady Sirenna Charlton

Wife of Lord Charlton.

-Lord Giles Harper

Fights in the Battle of King's Landing, dies at hand of The Mountain Ser Gregor Hull. Husband to Lady Adriana Harper.

-Lady Adriana Harper

Wife to Lord Giles Harper, widowed after the death of Giles at the hands of The Mountain Ser Gregor Hull.

-Lucaemon Blackfyre

Built Blackfyre Square and was the fifth Blackfyre king. He had a dragon called Xzyros.

-Robyn Shaw

Owns a fish shop in the fish market. He was in the crowd of the tourney for the king's 21st life date.

-Brayden Goodwin

Man at court. Fights at the Mudgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Dustin Brandt

Man at court. Fights at the Mudgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Maegor Blackfyre

Second son of Aemon the Conqueror, Hand of the King to his brother Vaneyx, he built Maegor's Holdfast in the Red Keep. He threw a feast for all the builders which poisoned the whole lot of them so no one would know how to navigate the tunnels except for him.

-Vaneyx Blackfyre

First son of Aemon the Conqueror, second Blackfyre king, brother to Maegor. He died at 60 AC sitting on the throne no-one knowing who killed him.

-Genna Vega

Handmaiden to Joanna Forrester. From Eilleas.

-Griffin Douglass

He were a puppeteer enthusiast, when Samuel had first come to King’s Landing he were recreating a popular book called “Revenge of the King” as a puppet show.

-Ser Duncan Dune

-Lord Jason Jawst

Lord of Dawn Death

-Ser Rod Herworth

A knight at court. Guard for Nestor and Ulthor's cell.

-Ser Joshua Roberts

A knight at court. Guard for Nestor and Ulthor's cell.A knight at court. Fights at the Rosegate in the Battle of King's Landing


A messenger at court.

-Dagon Orfun

First ruler of the Bronze Isles

-King Tytos Casterly 

A King of the Pride, King Tytos Casterly who was slain by King Reaper Balon Rored

-King Balon Rored

A King of the Bronze Isles, he killed King Tytos Casterly.

-Lord Myre

Lord of Raider's Wrath

-Lord Sharp

Lord in the Bronze Isles

-Lord Slint

Lord in the Bronze Isles

-Lord Netley

Lord in the Bronze Isles

-Lord Hoare

Lord in the Bronze Isles

-Jayce Storm

Oldest son of Lord Javon, dies in Battle of King's Landing

-Jadon Storm

second son of Lord Javon, dies in Battle of King's Landing

-Andor Young

Brother to Ulthor Young, executed by the Crazed King

-Lord Devlin Young

Father to Ulthor Young, executed by the Crazed King

-Lord Garglen

Father to Ser Gerris Garglen, Lord in Dawnlands.

-Alysanne Blackfyre

Queen to King Aegon I, Alysanne Square named after her.

-Aegon Blackfyre I

King Aegon Blackfyre I, ruled for 42 years from 142 AC


Owner of a shop and informant of Ignis.

-The Anarchist

A troublemaker, attempts to cause a riot. Killed by Ser Gerris and Ser Williams.


A servant of The Anarchist

-Tyene Swyft

Ignis's youngest sister. A little child.

-Henry Anvil

Werguildian sailor

-Jinyeon Blackfyre

Queen, decided the rules of the Kingsguard

-Lord Tyron Payne

-Lord Tyron Payne

Proudland lord

-Lord Theodore Reyne

Proudland lord

-Ser Pail Garner

Ulthor Young's personal guard

-Ser Stevon Sarwyck

Ulthor Young's personal guard

-Lord Cerwyn

Northern lord

-Lord Dean Moss

Northern lord

-Lord Whitehall

Northern lord

-Lord Cray

Northern lord

-Harlon Cray

Son of Lord Cray

-Unnamed son of Lord Dustin

Son of Lord Dustin

-Unnamed son of Lord Morrey

Son of Lord Morrey

-Lord Dustin

Northern lord

-Lord  Hale Morrey

Northern lord

-Unnamed castellan of Oldtown

Castellan of Oldtown


Guard at WinterFort


Guard at WinterFort

-Donnel Rhodes

Northern noble

-Brandon Norrey

Part of The Great Ranging

-Robin Flint

Part of The Great Ranging


Style's friend, dies in The Battle of the Proudroad

-Plum faced Paul

Style's friend, dies in The Battle of the Proudroad


Style's friend, dies in The Battle of the Proadroad


Style's friend, dies in The Battle of the Proadroad


Style's friend, dies in The Battle of the Proadroad

-Lord Alton Bluetown

Leads Jon Darklyn's army to GoldGift after the Battle of the Proudroad

-Ser Edmund Muton

A knight and a scout in Jon Darklyn's army

-Dagmer Myre

Part of Jax Storm's men, proficient melee tourney fighter in The Bronze Isles

-Hagen Hoare

Part of Jax Storm's men, fought in the bronze rebellion

-Demon woman

Dawnish urban legend figure


Part of Jax Storm's men, an archer


Part of Jax Storm's men

-Dissapearing Dawnish Noblewoman

According to Maxim Rodriguez, the famous writer encountered a Dawnish noblewoman in the Lut desert. Giving her a ride on his elephant, he rests his eyes. After opening them the woman is no longer sitting behind him, vanishing without a trace

-Lord Vorga Flaerion

Uncle of Lord Hailee Archer. Lord after Vorian dies.

-Lord Martell

 A Dawnish lord.

-Lord Cole

 A Dawnish lord.

-Lord Ripley

 A Dawnish lord.

-Maester Darry

Maester of Sun's Champion 

-Ser Wylick Unman

Castellan of Sun's Champion

-Ser Antros Junwon

Steward of Sun's Champion

-Fat boy

Survivor of Battle of Proudroad eventually becomes Style's friend


Survivor of Battle of Proudroad eventually becomes Style's friend

-Aegon Blackfyre III

Rules from age 14-80, father of Edward Blackfyre and Issra Blackfyre. Marries his daughter Issra to Lord Luthor Young's heir.

-Lord Luthor Young

Lord of Proudlands during Aegon III's reign. His daughter was betrothed to Prince Edward. After Edward marries Jenny of Ninestones and the betrothal is broken, Lord Luthor rebels against the 3 Blade Throne. The rebellion is ended when Ser Edward the Tall defeats him in single combat. 

King Aegon sends his daughter Issra to Storm's End and marries her to Luthor's heir.

-Jenny of Ninestones

Common girl from the Waterlands who Prince Edward Blackfyre fell in love with. Edward asked to be disinherited to marry her

-Issra Blackfyre 

Daughter of King Aegon III, married to Lord Luthor Young's son

-Unnamed heir of Lord Luthor Young

Married to Issra Blackfyre

-Lord Walter Rykker

A Crownland lord

-High Septon

The highest religious leader, dies in the riot of King's Landing

-Chae Flair

Larra Archer's friend

-Kairi Bliss

Larra Archer's friend

-King Regis Archer

King during the first Dawnish-Hunter war. Mentioned in Peace Broken prequel.

-Lord Orthur Swyft

Hand of the King to King Regis Archer. He is executed by King Wern Nik after meeting at Hunter's Hill to negotiate with him

-King Wern Nik

King of The Hunter's Gift during the first Danish-Hunter war

-King Cody Archer

King during Aemon's conquest. Was married to Naerys Blackfyre

-Lord Gale Whent

Waterlands' lord, killed at Crossroads Castle

-Lord Cal Chambers

Waterlands' lord

-Lord Tiam Darry

Waterlands' lord

-Lord Jason Piper

Waterlands' lord

-Lord Harris Locke

Waterlands' lord, killed at Crossroads Castle

-Olyvar Locke

Lord Harris's father, bed ridden

-Lord Curtis Harroway

Waterlands' lord, dies in Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Farlan Penny

Lord Harris's father, bed ridden

-Lady Nola Flowers

Mother of Lewyn and Quentyn, widowed

-Lord Vorian Flaerion

Father of Hailee Archer. A Dawnish lord

-Barlon Cole

Son of Lord Cole

-Lord Jericho

A Dawnish lord

-Chrion Jericho

Son of Lord Jericho


A guard in Ulthor's camp


A guard in Ulthor's camp

-Lord Brake

Exiled lord, ranks stripped by Aeyron in The Youth Rebellion. A high ranking official in the Golden Company

-Harry Raland

"Horseface Harry", commander of the Golden Company

-Hoff Penny

Jax Storm brokers a deal with him to allow the rebels into Bronze Beast for him to be Lord of Bronze Beast. Uncle to Farlan Penny


Bartender of Bailey's Breasts' tavern

-Ser Jey 'the Tiger' Strong

Son of Lord Harold Strong, dies by the order of Lord Willas Rivers. 

-Stevie Rivers

Son of Lord Willas Rivers, he is seventy-three and has five children to his name.

-Stevie Rivers' unnamed daughter

Son of Lord Willas Rivers, he is seventy-three and has five children to his name.

-Tiana Rivers

Present when Lord Harold Strong and co. are killed

-Trystane Archer

Joanna and Aeyron's son from his dream 

-Marcon Archer

King of the Dawnlands, married to a 'green woman'

-Adhan Archer

King of the Dawnlands, married to a 'green woman'

-Maester Cressen

Northern maester, part of Lord Cross's company


Guard at WinterFort


Guard at WinterFort


A pyromancer who guides Ignis with the Red Fìros. 

-Lord Rossart

A pyromancer who was Hand of the King for King Orson Casterly 'The Crazed King'. Orson Casterly gave Rosary the word to burn down King's Landing and the Red Fìros caches, but Jamie Casterly stopped him and killed him

-Joss Stilwood

The Mountain's squire


Part of The Mountain's men


Part of The Mountain's men


Part of The Mountain's men


Part of The Mountain's men


Part of The Mountain's men

-Ser Stule Reder

Nestor's guard

-Ser Anthony Groll

Nestor's guard

-Lord Robert Leygood

Lord in The Hunter's Gift

-Lord Jean Ambrose

Lord in The Hunter's Gift

-Lord Andert Moon

Lord in The Hunter's Gift


Outlaw in the Red Baron's group


Outlaw in the Red Baron's group


A child working at the Crossroads Inn

-Lord Thomas Follard

Fights at the Mudgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Ser Aile Styles

Fights at the Mudgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Ser Seth Rollands

Fights at the Mudgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Ser Brodie Whilshere

Fights at the Mudgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Ser Darby Mallister

Fights at the Mudgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Ser Trent Oxford

Fights at the Mudgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Lord Aj Ander

Fights at the Lowgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Lord Robert Charlton

Fights at the Lowgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Lord Jason Longstaff

Fights at the Lowgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Lord Arnold Nortie

Fights at the Lowgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Ser Tyler Gunn

Fights at the Lowgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Ser Tyler Bronzegate

Fights at the Lowgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Lord Frazer Campbell

Fights at the Rosegate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Lord Alfred Darkwood

Fights at the Rosegate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Ser Dean Night

Fights at the Rosegate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Lord Austin Theory

Fights at the Mudgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Lord Byron

Fights at the Mudgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Lord Devlin

Fights at the Mudgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Lord Quellon Stone

Fights in The Battle of King's Landing. Warhammer is his ship

-Lord Dagon

Fights in The Battle of King's Landing. Lord Dagon is his ship


One of Jax Storm's crewmates of The Phenom

-Lord Harlow

Fights in The Battle of King's Landing. Ravenfeeder is his ship

-Lord Kenning

Fights in The Battle of King's Landing. Bronze lady is his ship

-Harren 'The Horny'

Fights in The Battle of King's Landing. Wet Maid is his ship


Jax's quatermaster

-Ser Kenny Omega

A Hedgeknight, fights at the Mudgate in the Battle of King's Landing

-Bethany Hightower

Daughter of Lord Damon Hightower

-Martyn Hightower

Son of Lord Damon Hightower

-Edward Duncan

Captain of Sealion

-Lord Hook

A Waterlands' lord, fights with King Aeyron in the Battle of King's Landing

-Lord Theon Ironmaker

Father of Rodrik Ironmaker, dies in the Battle of the Bloodwater, lord of Winter's son

-Ser Damion Casterly

Castellan of Knife's Edge, killed by Domeric Forrester

-Ares Blackfyre

During his reign not one gold cup was stolen

-Lord Maray

Present in the feast after the Battle of King's Landing, stuffs four potatoes in his mouth

-Harrion Cross

Son of Lord Wendel Cross, his father spills wine on him at the feast after the Battle of King's Landing. Fights with Ser Jon Darklyn and his sister Soniya Cross in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Ser Adkin 'The Righteous' 

Part of Ser Marcel Rainwood's men

-Ser Fawke 'The Humble' 

Part of Ser Marcel Rainwood's men

-Ser Eden 'The Honourable' 

Part of Ser Marcel Rainwood's men

-Ser Rodger 'The Warden'

Part of Ser Marcel Rainwood's men

-Ser Petercus 'The Perfect' 

Part of Ser Marcel Rainwood's men

-Ser Theobaldus 'The Strong' 

Part of Ser Marcel Rainwood's men

-Ser Howe 'The Hopeful' 

Part of Ser Marcel Rainwood's men

-Ser Rikke 'The Mighty' 

Part of Ser Marcel Rainwood's men

-Harry the stableboy

Stableboy for the Red Keep stables


One of the men executed with Style


One of the men executed with Style


One of the men executed with Style

-Meraxes Blackfyre

King, according to Aeyron The Ghost of Blackfyre conspired against King Meraxes and murdered him

-Lord Gregory Hamil

A Crownland lord, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Ser Darby Mallister

Son of Lord Geoffrey Mallister, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Geoffrey Mallister

A Waterlands' lord, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Ser Rory Royce

Samuel Royce's brother

-Lord Tarry Locke

Lord after Lord Harris dies at The Crossroads, , fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Farman Locke

Lord Tarry's nephew, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Viktor Fischer

Lord Tarry's nephew, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Johnny Rowan

A relative of Lord Qhorin Rowan, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord John Umber

A Northern lord, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Harry Umber

Married to Soniya Cross' sister-Jada Cross, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Theo Peake

Relative of Lord Tion Peake, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Jaylyn Royce

Youngest daughter of Lord Ben Royce

-Lord Mazon Holt

Dawnish lord, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Rizon Allyrion

Dawnish lord, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Benj Dewitt

Lord from The Hunter's Gift, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Arion Oakheart

Dawnish lord, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Leighton

Lord from The Hunter's Gift, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Logan Wick

Husband to Lady Jane Wick, Samuel's mother. Lord in The Hunter's Gift, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Ser Rodri Bywater

Son of Lord Jacelyn Bywater, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Alton Nik

Nestor Nik's cousin. Kills Steffon's father in the Battle of the Bask in turn Steffon picks his father's sword and kills him

-Ser Stevon Leygood

A rebel knight

-Lord Gabriel Moore

Father to Ser Edmund Moore, Lord of Ivy Hall. Sided with King Orson during the Crazed Collapse, him and Edmund's brother die in the Battle of the Bask

-Edmund's unnamed brother

Brother to Ser Edmund Moore. Sided with King Orson during the Crazed Collapse, him and Edmund's father die in the Battle of the Bask

-Lord Moore, Distant cousin of Edmund

Lord of Ivy Hall, sides with the rebels

-Ser Symon Santagar

A rebel knight

-Lord Leyton Hightower

Wounds Trystane Archer in the Battle of the Bask, Aeyron Archer kills him by lobbing his head off

-Lord Mace Levanter

Lord from The Hunter's Gift, rebel killed by Aeyron 

-Lord Arnon Violeta 

Lord from The Hunter's Gift, rebel killed by Aeyron 

-Ser Arnold Violeta 

Son of Lord Arnon Violeta, rebel killed by Aeyron 

-Ser Marcus Jordyanne

Dawnish knight, saves Ser Jon in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Allen Blacktree

Fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater, dies protecting Lewyn

-Ser Harkan Blacktree

Son of Lord Allen, fights in the Battle of the Bloodwater, dies protecting Lewyn

-Ser Glenn Corbray

Rebel knight, kills Domeric Forrester

-Ser Pate Mcaffe

Rebel knight

-Lord Scor Browning

Rebel lord from The Hunter's Gift

-Lord Daniel Appleton

Rebel lord from The Hunter's Gift

-Lord Rayners Qoroyle 

A Dawnish lord, dies in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Trebor Jordyanne

A Dawnish lord, dies in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Owen Oak

A Dawnish lord, dies in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Steven Krell

A Waterlands' lord, dies in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Adam Erenford

Hunter's Gift lord, dies in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Pierre Lulworth

A Waterlands' lord, dies in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Willian Tallhart

A Northern lord, dies in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Stanislas March

A Northern lord, dies in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Lord Cadwell Frost

A Northern lord, dies in the Battle of the Bloodwater

-Ser Staven Casterly

Involved with the siege of Widow's Wail

-Penelope Charlton

Daughter of Lord Charlton, dances with Samuel at the ball


Present at the ball, talks to Sugar


Present at the ball, talks to Sugar

-Aegon Blackfyre IV

Has a mistress who has an affair with his Kingsguard knight

-Ser Luton the Lusty

Kingsguard knight. Executed for sleeping with King Aegon IV's mistress


POV for A Mate for Darkness. A peasant girl that Lord Ahriman tricks and kills.

-Maester Barlow

A maester at the Institute of Sunworth, he thinks all magic has gone


A great musician


A great musician


A great musician

-Maester Windhram

He has collected the whereabouts of the black stone across the world

-Maester Jun

He has written books on the obsidian looking glass

-Perseuon Blackfyre

He was King of Cephri "centuries ago"

-Ser Christopher Whent

Ignis spots him riding into King's Landing for the tourneys

-Lord Arkman

Ignis spots him riding into King's Landing for the tourneys

-Deen Djareen

Ignis spots him riding into King's Landing for the tourneys. From The Green Isles

-Ser Gayen Tarkin

He makes it to the finals of the archery competition in the tourney of King's Landing

-Ser Harvey Lockhart

He makes it to the final two in the melee competition, although loses to Lord Adam Page.

-King Robert Forrester

He brutally murdered King Aldan Bolton, and planned to take apart Last Stand brick by brick. Not until Daniel Bolton killed him

-Daniel Bolton

He kills King Robert Forrester

-Osmund Forrester

He had an affair with a Bolton's wife. That Bolton rose up in rebellion


A noblewoman of Sifos that lets Rhae stay at her villa. She opposes Rhae's decision to gain the Legionnaire army


Husband to Loraq

-Maester Barton

He wrote The Prehistoric Age of Cephri

-Arch Maester Orlon

An Arch Maester at the Institute that stops Samuel from going to the restricted section and denies Aeryxs was in the Institute


A wildling


Viel is the tribe leader of those people who had originated in WhiteHaven. According to Byorwynd, he stole from Viel and Viel, his guards and his dogs chased after Byorwynd and his sons


He is the Magnar of Thenns


A wildling


A wildling


A wildling


A wildling


A wildling known as 'The Bonecrusher' from the  Stonecold mountains


A wildling

-Lord Moss

He argues with Lord Forrester, that Forrester shouldn't have joined the war and that he needs to worry about The North and remarry, considering the state of the harvests this year.

-Arch Maester Baldwin

He has the key to the restricted section. When Samuel's in his room, he sees a letter written by him to a whore and a letter from Daniel Hightower. Sugar sings to him.

-Arch Maester Ferdinand

Sugar sings a song about him to him


She is a leader of the Osweni revolutionary group Fightback


He is a leader of the Osweni revolutionary group Fightback


She is a leader of the Osweni revolutionary group Fightback


She is a leader of the Osweni revolutionary group Fightback


A wildling

-King Cayn Forrester

He killed the wildling king Micah

-King Micah

A wildling King that was killed by King Cayn Forrester

-Chieftain Croft

He is the leader of a mountain-clan tribe of The North

-H'wag F'wek

He is the captain of the sellsword company - The Brood


He is the captain of the sellsword company The Hawkmen


He is part of the Legionnaire army

-Mary-Beth Redwyne

She is one of the names put forth for Aeyron to marry

-Tilly Erenford

She is one of the names put forth for Aeyron to marry

-Britt Bell

She is one of the names put forth for Aeyron to marry

-Maame Jeru

She is one of the names put forth for Aeyron to marry

-Maester Kramble

He wrote The Otherworldly and their possessions 

-Maester Chesters

She detailed a report about the Nightsisters' within their clan


Atreus and his friends find Samuel and Sugar and look to turn them in however Sugar convinces them that Lord Creton will take Atreus and his friends in as guards


He is one of Atreus's friends


He is one of Atreus's friends


He is Maxim Rodriguez's travel guide during the production of Mysteries of Cephri II

-Ser Stevenson

He is one of Ser Jamie Casterly's men

-The Best Friends

They are a bandit group that Jamie wipes out

-Bizdak Zor-El

He is an Asweni who joins Rhae's council

-Dominic Bolton

The son of Lord Darion Bolton

-The Ravager

A wildling outrider for Karlon Greykon


Gerold mistakes him to be the King of the wildlings. Gerold discovers his body at the Ambush at WhiteHaven, where The Walkers kill him


She is King Karlon's wife and they have a son


She is Yeji's sister

-Ser Jon Bracken

He was Kingsguard to Agamemnon the Awful. He sacrifices himself to let Ser Leonard Mercer, Rhae's grandfather and grandmother escape

-Ser William Darry

He was Kingsguard to Agamemnon the Awful, he stays behind at Sun's Champion - awaiting Ser Leonard and Rhae's grandparents return

-Ser Francis

He is one of Ser Jamie Casterly's men


She is the captain of The White Swan and a widow

-Mighty Milik

An Asweni fighter in the gladiator pits, he kills Simon Slynt


An Asweni fighter in the Fighting Pits


He is one of Jamie Casterly's men

-Ser Lyle

He is one of Jamie Casterly's men

-Ser Owen

He is one of Jamie Casterly's men


He is one of Jamie Casterly's men

-Lord Granger 

He is the Lord of Ashford, but has been starving his people as consequence of helping The Shield of Justice. Jamie embarrasses him in front of his family.


He is a resident of Ninestones, who arrives to tell everyone the King is going to marry Alice. Dele and Jon Darklyn speak to each other, Dele encourages Jon to follow his heart


She is apart of The Bloody Servants and is on guard duty, watching Jamie Casterly and Valerie. She stops Jamie from being raped after seeing him save Valerie from the same fat


He is a part of the Legionnaire army


He is a part of the Legionnaire army


He is a part of the Legionnaire army

-King Haegar Blackfyre

Ser Leonard said the people hated his rule


He was the hero that stopped the Cloaked Revolutionaries terrorist attack. he is executed due to the law causing major outrage

-Judge Mbambu

A judge on N'kitah's trial

-Judge Kilaian

A judge on N'kitah's trial

-Judge Leylian

A judge on N'kitah's trial

-Judge Mikel

A judge on N'kitah's trial


A member of The Bloody Servants


A member of The Bloody Servants


A member of The Bloody Servants

-Lord Paxter Redwyne

He is the Lord of Hunter's Hill and pays Jamie Casterly's ransom money to The Bloody Servants 


POV for the Epilogue. A resident of New Cephri who is pro-Aeyron but is killed by Anti-Aeyron partisans


A resident of New Cephri

-Ser Leo Valdez

The founder of New Cephri

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