A Mate for Darkness 2.Love and Fear is set in the Seven Kingdoms of Cephri, a land reminiscent of Medieval Europe. In Cephri the seasons last for years, sometimes decades, at a time.
Far up north, beyond The Winter Waste a ranging party of Northern lords conglomerate to find out why so many wildlings are appearing in their lands. The men are being hunted by something and finally appearing from the woods, come the mythical Others. Some men run by Raymar Peake and Lord Rowan stay on to face It - however, both are killed by The Other.
Following the rebellion and defeat of King Ulthor Young the realm has been attempting to put the pieces back together. The King, Aeyron Archer, has distanced himself from his court preferring seclusion where he mourns for his dead love - Joanna Forrester. Aeyron's isolation has allowed for many different people to rise up in court and replace those that had died, some have good intentions while some have other intentions though Aeyron doesn't care, all he can think about is Joanna. His right hand, Ignis Swyft is worried however and attempts to gain power of the people that threaten him, his relationship with Aeyron sours once he learns of what his friend has been doing. Aeyron positions towards those people, feeling that Ignis is someone to trust less. Since Aeyron must marry someone he calls for a tourney and invites lords and their daughters to see him, although Aeyron doesn't bother to spend time with any of them, there is one girl - Alice Strong - who reminds him of Joanna, despite them being the opposite of one another. Ignis wants Aeyron to marry his sister, Ashara, but Aeyron refuses to see anyone but Alice. Alice aids Aeyron in returning to his former self and understanding the error of his ways, in pushing people away from him, and he decides to marry her.
Ignis collaborates with Loreon Casterly to keep Tywon Casterly under tabs since he feels threatened that he seeks to take his place by Aeyron's side. Ignis's actions involve himself with Lord Kaleb Willow and Lord Ahriman and he arrests the Grand Maester, by the end of it however the Grand Maester is suddenly assassinated by someone. Lord Ahriman previously unveils the arrival of a new Kingsguard knight, one Hercule Strongman. Jamie Casterly is sent by Aeyron and Tywon to clear out banditry in The Hunter's Gift, but he ends up being captured by bandits and is physically and emotionally tortured through his time there, Lord Paxter Redwyne eventually pays his ransom and takes him back to Hunter's Hill with Jamie's companion, Valerie Allyrion.
Jon Darklyn, Soniya Cross and Lord Darion Bolton go in search of Gerold Forrester however they find nothing. Bolton reveals that he was the one who attempted to kill Gerold and he needs him dead, he lets Jon and Soniya drop to their deaths but they survive and flee south. Finding their way in Ninestones, Jon discovers the King is getting married and it disheartens him since he is not at his side. He admits that his feelings of love towards Soniya are true and the two decide to stay at Ninestones. Samuel Royce steals books from the Institute of Sunworth and discovers of Blackstone locations in the world, he decides to venture to Norfold and see the night sisters. Although along the way he is distracted by bounty hunters sent by the Institute, once he shakes them he emerges at Casterland and departs to Eilleas.
Gerold Forrester is captured by wildlings and is taken to the wildling King, however along the way he falls in love with Samalah and woos her, he discovers the hidden Celtigan Blackfyre sword - Wintersbane and wields it, while his Northmen escape bondage and flee to the Fist of the First Men. However they are caught by the wildlings but both groups are attacked by The Others and they flee to White Haven. Eventually he meets the king but The Others descend on them again and both groups escape, Gerold escapes to look for the raven and green women that have appeared in his dreams while the king moves down south towards the Seven Kingdoms. Gargano Pahros goes on a pilgrimage to see Rhaenerys Blackfyre while Rhae herself leaves Neropos towards Cephri, she frees Sifos gaining the Legionnaire army and then she frees Oswen with help of slave rebels and finally she takes Aswen and settles down there. Although Aswen is tricky to rule and they are rejecting her rule, with a militia rising up against her. After an unjust execution of a freed man who turned murderer to save people, the common people seem to have turned on Rhae.
Aeyron and Alice are preparing for their wedding while the council are making their last attempts in convincing Aeyron to marry Rhae instead, he definitely refuses though. Following Jamie Casterly's capture, he is back at King's Landing and being chewed at by his father. They discuss what happened and Tywon wants him to be his son and a man now, he wants him to follow his footsteps though Jamie wants to be his own man. Eventually they talk about marriage and Tywon tells him that he will marry Rhaenerys Blackfyre to insure their place if any war ever happens. Jamie agrees but wants his father to also marry his brother, Loreon, to Rhae's sister, Saerenna.