Well let's talk about the semantics of this, how I would make the books into a show - obviously the most similar format is Game of Thrones so we'll sort of form a basis off that.
Season 1=Book 1
-The entirety of season 1, 17 episodes, can be the first book - considering that book 1 is total war and all out, there wouldn't be much need for many episodes spending time on the build up. Season 1 will also adapt the remastered version and not the original.
-Episode 1-Prologue, Ignis 1, Aeyron 1, Jon 1, Gerold 1. Actually with the early episodes I would make the early chapters much more broad. Mostly I'd introduce Aeyron, Ig, Jon, Ulthor, Joanna and the Small Council. Instead of having Aeyron vs Edmund be the first scene I'd perhaps have a small council meeting which would then transition into Aeyron meeting Joanna and then Ulthor coming along and there being some tension. I'd probably transition into Gerold 1 by having Joanna speak about her family to Aeyron. The episode would probably end with the confrontation Aeyron and Ulthor have in Aeyron 1.
-Episode 2=Edmund 1, Samuel 1, Aeyron 2, Aeyron 3. You can sort of see how thin the start of the book is, so again I'd broaden things out - Aeyron 2 gets longer, Samuel 1 possibly has more interactions with the people around him i.e Ignis or Snakecharmer, we'll give a scene to Ulthor aswell where it's just him and his friends possibly get Nestor Nik involved and Snakecharmer. We can also throw in a scene at WinterFort with Gerold Forrester where we see him with his brothers and sister. Episode ends with Aeyron 3 with the reveal of Ulthor and Nestor. Perhaps we see a "mystery" benefactor help U and N escape but we don't see their face.
-Episode 3=Jax 1, Ignis 2, The Mountain 1, Aeyron (3.5). A larger view of Ulthor's and Nestor's army and plans, due to this being a TV show we can get all POVs so we'll have one on his side. Ignis in the episode explores how Ulthor and Nestor were allowed to escape so he's searching for clues and stuff, wonders about the anti king parts of the city - leads him to The Anarchist and his men kill Anarchist. Aeyron (3.5) is him discovering that Joanna is missing and the episode ends with Taena informing him that Joanna got kidnapped by Ulthor. He dispatches her to find where she is and the scene is just Aeyron on the throne or in his chambers worrying.
-Episode 4=Gerold(1.5), Jon 2, Aeyron 4, Style 1. Gerold 1.5 shows the scene where all the Northern lords are gathered and they decide to march down south, Jon Darklyn is dispatched to control his army in which we see Style for the first time with all his friends. Aeyron 4 will be Aeyron trying to think of what to do, Taena comes with a nightsister or whatever and tells the prophecy. On the Other hand we will see Nestor and Ulthor begin to split, Nestor is going with his army to the Dusk Mountains while Ulthor is going to drop Joanna at Widow's Wail before attacking the north of the Dawnlands. We see that Ulthor has indeed kidnapped Joanna. Jax Storm and the Bronzemen are arriving to raid the side of the Dawnlands, we see his family raid the sides of the Waterlands before they split off. Episode ends with the Aeyron prophecy.
-Episode 5=Edmund 2, Jax 2, Jon 3. Edmund arrives in Starfall and meets Ignis's family, meanwhile Nestor is attempting to get through the Dusk Mountains though it is hard, upon finding out news from his scouts that Jon Darklyn leads an army out of KL he starts to move his army, episode starts of with this. Jax attacks Nightfort. Jon Darklyn vs Nestor battle occurs and at the end of the episode Jon Darklyn is captured.
-Episode 6=Gerold 2, Ignis 3, Style 2, Edmund 3. The small council learn about Jon and believe him dead, Ulthor Young commands The Mountain to destroy Dawnish villages, Style and the remnants of Jon's army are escaping. Nestor's army move towards GoldGift that take control of loyalist parts of Hunter's Gift.Edmund arrives at Sun's Champion and meets Aeyron's family. We see Jax Storm's family in The Waterlands and their harassment of the coastal towns and even attempting to hit The North. Aeyron decides that he needs to lead an army instead of hiding despite his councillors disagreeing, the episode ends with Gerold 2 and Lord Vance's warning.
-Episode 7=Ignis 4, Harold 1, Larra 1, Samuel 2. Aeyron leaves the city and the riot happens, Harold Strong is making his way down south as is Lord Forrester. Ulthor and his army are approaching Saltwood Keep. Larra trains with Lorenzoi Huis and then is told about Trystane Archer's peace plan, they await the royal ships that Aeyron is sending them and need to buy time to get the army away. Samuel leaves the city on Taena's quest and meets Sugar.
-Episode 8=Jon 4, Aeyron 5, Edmund 4, Aeyron 6. Jon is tortured by Nestor as Nestor's army aims to remove threats in THG, Aeyron meets the loyalist army and receives Gerold's letter, Edmund and Trystane go to treat with Ulthor, Aeyron plans for the war but is interrupted when they find out the Bronzemen have invaded and landed in The Waterlands. From Ulthor's POV we see him kill Trystane and the buildup to that and the immediate aftermath of Edmund and Daeron's escape, we see how Edmund escaped. Episode ends with Edmund escaping with Daeron.
-Episode 9=Gerold 3, Jax 3, Ignis 5, Style 3, Samuel 3, Harold (1.5). Gerold gets the raven from Lord Bolton saying he's coming up north to defend the north, Harold 1.5 expressed fear over the Bronzemen invasion and we see the upturn nature of some water lords. Jax 3 details his campaign at Bronze Beast, and his envy of how his family get to attack more inland. Ignis 5 is sorting out a loan with Ivica to get food since Nestor's food blockade. Ignis also meets with Steffon, Amand and his sword swords to remove traitors. Snakecharmer helps to take some of Ignis's loan burdens. Style and co. make it to GoldGift relieving it of it garrison, Aeyron and the king confront. Samuel and Sugar are travelling the Bluewater forest while they go to Bailey's Breasts inn. Episode ends with Ulthor meeting Joanna at Widow's Wail and telling her about what he did to Trystane, she shows sympathy.
-Episode 10=Edmund 5, Gerold 4, Harold 2, Jon 5, Aeyron 7, . Edmund and Daeron show up at Oflus, maybe a few flashbacks to explain what happened or close encounters. Gerold meets the wildling Samalah who has been scouting his castle, Jon Darklyn escapes from captivity thanks to Soniya Cross meanwhile Aeyron lays I'm fever and he imagines life with Joanna - then he reads a raven from Alice Strong who is under siege at 3 River Stronghold. Harold Strong and his men are betrayed by Lord Willis Rivers and killed. Cregan Forrester and the northmen fight in the Proudlands. Ulthor Young stays at Widow's Wail with Joanna for a period of time, we see what is going on at Widow's Wail. Episode ends with Jon Darklyn escaping.
-Episode 11=Jon 6, Ignis 6, Gregor 2, Gerold 5. Jon Darklyn and Soniya Cross are travelling and making their way towards King's Landing, at the beginning Ignis finds out about the upcoming battle, Gerold and WinterFort are attacked and taken. The Mountain Gregor Hull commands an attack on Redwater Keep. Episode ends with Gerold attacked.
-Episode 12=Samuel 4, Ignis 7, Jax 4. Samuel fights The Ghost of Blackfyre, The Northmen defeat Ser Damon Casterly and besiege Knife's Edge. Ignis prepares for the battle of KL and prays, Jax Storm is arriving with his family and Bronzefleet. Episode ends with the Bronzefleet approaching KL.
-Episode 13=Gregor 3, Ignis 8, Steffon 1, Jax 5, Edmund 6, Gregor 4, Steffon 2, Aeyron 8. The Battle of King's Landing as so in the books. Episode ends with the loyalist victory.
-Episode 14=Ignis 9, Larra 2, Samuel 5, Style 4. Ignis wakes up with his battle injuries and is helped into the feast. Goes the same as the books, feast after the battle where Jon Darklyn returns with Soniya. Towards the back end of the episode Samuel returns with Sugar and delivers the Ghost to Taena. Episode ends with Style 4 where he is executed, throughout the feast there is a back and forth where we see what Style is getting up to and the "low life" of KL.
-Episode 15=Jon 7, Edmund 7, Samuel 6, Ignis 10, Jon 8, Aeyron 9. Ulthor gets a message from Nestor telling him where to meet and Ulthor leaves Joanna and moves with his army. Taena and The Ghost reveal a prophecy to Aeyron, a small council meeting is when Aeyron decides to fight after Nestor. Taena informs on Joanna's whereabouts, and the army leave to GoldGift. At GoldGift Samuel's father and Ignis enter the thought of marrying his daughter. They leave GoldGift to prepare for the forthcoming battle, Aeyron reveals his plans for the battle. Episode ends with Aeyron thinking to himself.
-Episode 16=Edmund 8, Ignis 11, Samuel 7, Aeyron 10, Jon 9, Samuel 8, Edmund 9, Ignis 7, Samuel 9, Aeyron 11, Jon 10. Battle of the Bloodwater. Episode ends with the rebel army fleeing and breaking.
-Episode 17=Edmund 10, Steffon 3, Aeyron 12, Samuel 10, Aeyron 13. Aeyron commands the armies to return to King's Landing while he, Steffon and Cregan Forrester go to rescue Joanna. They encounter Tywon snd Jamie Casterly besieging Widow's Wail and Aeyron commands them to remove the rebel garrison at Knife's Edge. Samuel and the loyalist army return to KL and the parties begin to celebrate the end of the war, meanwhile Aeyron discovers Joanna in the tower and he finds out the truth and she dies. The three of them begin the expedition back to KL with Joanna's body and maids and twins. Episode ends with the last image of the books of Aeyron on the throne crying.